new layout y'all.. :)
cute kan.. me likey!!!!
nways, ive been hospitalized this week due to my chronic rhinitis.. something to do with my nose being too sensitive.. my nose bleeds quite alot and whenever i got that annoying itchiness, it will lead to migrain and then fever.. so sbb dah x tahan nak kena go thru it slalu, i went to see ENT specialist.. but Alhamdullilah, there is nothing major laa.. just tht my nasal septum, dah bend to the right.. normal septum lurus je.. how did tht happen, i have no freaking idea.. but no need for surgery coz ia tidak menganggu sgt laa.. jd i endup di beri antibiotic yg sangat sakit apabila dicucuk and kena makan ubat selama 6 bulan.. hmmm..
my deformed nasal septum.. :)
oh, am on MC for 7 days ok!!!!.. :p and because of this la, i managed to change my blog's layout as well as my family blog's layout.. and my cupcakes' blog pon dah gone thru a face lift.. i designed the layout ages ago, and my dearest sister finally berjaya men'coding nyer and upload it.. :) kudos cik aiza!!!
ok, what else to story!! hmmm.. bila malas nak update, masa tu la citer berlambak.. skrg ni smua dah vanished.. dang!!!
oh yeah, me mom asked me to find a good man for me to marry.. hahahah!! and my reply was short n simple.. "ok ma!" hahahahahahaha.. fyi, am a bit heartless at the moment, so tak reti nak lovey dovey.. bluaakkk..
cant wait for this coming saturday.. got wedding to attend in the morning.. my so called uncle yg dah 50+ tp still bujang decided to get hitched.. so sweet kan.. FINALLY, abg mie.. :p and malam tu plak, i ada date dgn my supergorgeous boyfriend.. he came down all the way for the state ok.. sweet gak kan.. sayangnya, i kena share dia dgn ramai org.. but Mr Daughtry, what ever it is, i love you the most!! hahahahahhaa..
ok la, wanna mimpi yg indah now!!